When is enough really enough? In the end, it all goes back into the box. The parable of the rich fool challenges us to stop and think about what we do with wealth. Are we storing it up just for ourselves or are we striving to be rich in God? Wealth is a blessing from God, but Jesus warns us that greed is a problem and that life does not consist of an abundance of possessions. How do we steward wealth to ensure we grow rich in God?
Up Next in 2022
Bethlehem Baptist Church - 26 June 2022
How does prayer work? What do I have to say, or how long do I need to pray so that God can answer my prayers? Jesus told the parable of the persistent widow to help us understand that God is not like the hard-hearted judge. God cares about our situation and the injustices we face. Yet, He is also...
Bethlehem Baptist Church - 12 June 2022
The parable of the shrewd manager is as perplexing to listen to today as it must have been when Jesus told it. Instead of agreeing with the actions of an employer firing a bad manager, Jesus turns around and praises the actions of this manager of seemingly cooking the books to make sure he has fr...
Bethlehem Baptist Church - 5 June 2022
The parable of the bridesmaids teaches us to be ready and prepared. Being prepared is not just about having enough oil, it is about the condition of our hearts behind the scenes. How serious do we take our responsibilities to help getting the bride of Christ, the church, ready for when He retu...