
  • Global Impact Conference 2024

    1 season

    Hosted by City Impact church an empowering conference to Arise and Build. Key speakers - Ps John Bevere and Ps Bartholomew Orr.

  • EveryONE Asia 2024

    1 season

    This 3-day event held in Jakarta, Indonesia united over 11,000 believers from 46 nations to prepare churches to finish the Great Commission by 2033. Speakers include Christine Caine, Tuck Yoong Yang, Cindy Jacobs, Dr. Niko Njotoradardjo and many more.

    The passion of this conference is that Every...

  • New Zealand and Beyond Conference 2024

    1 season

    REVIVE - God of Revival. Come awaken your people. Come awaken your city. The theme for this years conference hosted by Church Unlimited. Speakers include Daniel Bates, Joel Holm, Tak Bhana and Jodi Tolley.

  • Open Heaven Wellington 2024

    A special live event from Wellington's Michael Fowler Centre of unified prayer, as we seek God and ask for His will to be done in New Zealand, as it is in Heaven.

    Together. It is when we band together, unified under one name, that there is a blessing. When we gather as a company of believers and...

  • Open Heaven Auckland 2024

    A special live event from Auckland's Spark Arena of unified prayer, as we seek God and ask for His will to be done in New Zealand, as it is in Heaven.

    Together. It is when we band together, unified under one name, that there is a blessing. When we gather as a company of believers and ask for thi...

  • Shout Conference - 2023

    1 season

    Shout Conference is a powerful time of praise & worship, with significant God encounters hosted by Equipper's Church. Now in it's 20th year! 2023's theme is 'Like A River'.

    To know more about Equippers Church, please visit:

  • Pentecost 2023 - Global Day of Prayer

    Join with us in over 26 hours of prayer and worship led by gatherings in Israel and around the world. Respond to Jesus’ commission to spread the Good News by praying with over 110 million believers. With a special focus on Jerusalem and Jewish people worldwide. For information and schedule timing...

  • New Zealand & Beyond Conference 2023

    18 items

    All main sessions available here. NZ & Beyond is all about gathering our communities and families together for corporate worship and hearing the word of God together. Hosted by Church Unlimited in Auckland. On our own really it's very limited what we can do. God's plan to bring the body of Christ...

  • Open Heaven Wellington 2023

    Live from Wellington's Michael Fowler Centre, Open Heaven is an evening of unified prayer seeking God and asking for His will to be done in New Zealand, as it is in Heaven.

    Together. It is when we band together, unified under one name, that there is a blessing. When we gather as a company of bel...

  • Open Heaven Auckland 2023

    A special event recorded Live from Auckland's Spark Arena of unified prayer, as we seek God and ask for His will to be done in New Zealand, as it is in Heaven.

    Together. It is when we band together, unified under one name, that there is a blessing. When we gather as a company of believers and as...

  • Shout Conference 2022

    0 seasons

    Shout Conference is a powerful time of praise & worship, with significant God encounters. Hear these great messages from a variety of speakers to enrich your personal walk with God.

  • Shout Conference - 2021

    1 season

    Shout is the annual conference of Equippers Church; an international network of churches. Speakers from this years conference include Shane Willard, Wayne Huirua, Mark Varughese and Sam Monk.

  • NZ & Beyond Conference 2021

    30 items

    We continue to live in challenging times as our world lurches from one disaster to another, with limited ability to adequately deal with them. New Zealand has drifted far from God, ungodly laws have been enacted and the church is widely seen as irrelevant. Yet the truth remains, the gospel, which...

  • Global Impact Conference 2021

    15 items

    Global Impact is a powerful and anointed time for the church. Hosted by the senior pastors of City Impact Church Peter and Bev Mortlock, featuring via Hologram: Jurgen Matthesius - San Diego/USA, Chris Durso - New York City/USA, Leon Fontaine - Canada, Lord Bob Edminston - UK and Samuel Rodriguez...

  • Maranga Aotearoa 2021

    29 items

    Maranga Aotearoa is a national Christian conference, hosted by Ap. Norm McLeod and House of Breakthrough, Tairāwhiti.
    Recorded July 2021.
    The Maranga Hui kaupapa is not a new kaupapa, neither is it something confined just to us in Tairāwhiti. It is not just a Māori kaupapa, it embraces Pakeha, Pa...

  • Worship at Waitangi

    13 items

    Worship at Waitangi is an annual worship gathering with people from Aotearoa and beyond. Joining in unity at the birthplace of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, we stand together to affirm the spiritual covenant between Tāngata Whenua and Tāngata Tiriti.
    Nau mai haere mai, all welcome!
    Worship at Waitangi 20...