Maranga Aotearoa 2021
Maranga Aotearoa is a national Christian conference, hosted by Ap. Norm McLeod and House of Breakthrough, Tairāwhiti.
Recorded July 2021.
The Maranga Hui kaupapa is not a new kaupapa, neither is it something confined just to us in Tairāwhiti. It is not just a Māori kaupapa, it embraces Pakeha, Pasifika and all Toa Iwi. At this time we feel Wairua Tapu is calling a gathering of Māori Apostles and Prophets to form a kingdom alliance in order to serve Ihu Karaiti, each other and our people in a unified way not seen before. The future of our Māori nation is dependent on leaders who are willing to work together in humility, unity, synergy and strategy. This is a heavenly kaupapa and cannot be hijacked by human or church politics or personal agendas. We feel God wants to begin to form a biblical 5 fold leadership alliance among Māori , starting at this Hui. It cannot be led by one man, one church, one group or it will fail. However, it can be led by a collective alliance that are of one mind, one heart and one voice for God and for our people. Kotahitanga has been in the heart of God for our nation since creation, Maranga is simply a gathering to help facilitate this for the kingdom of God and our common good.
BACKSTAGE PASS -Tamiaho Herangi-Searancke
Tamiaho Herangi-Searancke, Kaitiaki Guardian (Tainui Waikato, Ngāti Maniapoto), talks how he sees the role of the Church within Maoridom, and about what Maranga means to him.
BACKSTAGE PASS - Lesley & Wiremu NiaNia
Lesley & Wiremu NiaNia, Turuki Health Care (Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui / Tūhoe, Tūwharetoa) talk about Maranga means to them.
Dave Mann shares what Maranga means to him.
BACKSTAGE PASS - Ps. David Dishroon
Ps. David Dishroon, Changepoint Tauranga, talks about what Maranga means to him.
Waiata: Duet - Lesley NiaNia & Francis Rangihuna
Maranga MC Lesley NiaNia sings a duet with Francis Rangihuna between sessions.