Time to Review Euthanasia Legislation
The End of Life Choice Act came into effect three years ago and the statistics are telling. The legislation is now under review and the deadline for the public to have a say is on 26 September 2024. Andrew Urquhart spoke to Brendan Malone from LifeNET, to help understand what's at stake.
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Our Instinct to Pray
Jesus calls us to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect...so what does that mean? Dale Campbell and Lizzie Oakes ponder the purposeful prayer journey that gets us closer to the heart of Our Father's perfect love.
From Founding Promise to Political Fo...
Noted theologian Dr Alistair Reece, who is steeped in the history and spirituality of the Treaty of Waitangi, has written a new book. He reflected on the significance of our founding document - is it an historical artefact or a living covenant; and on the role of the Church in Treaty relations, ...
5th Annual Hamilton Prayer Breakfast
Here's an event that guarantees good food and a GREAT way to do our civic duty, by praying for our cities. The 5th Hamilton Prayer Breakfast takes place in Kirikiriroa on Wednesday 11 September, and organiser Rachel Afeaki-Taumoepeau told Lizzie Oakes it will be a powerful morning of faith and fe...