Having escaped slavery in Egypt, Israel travels the wilderness until an enormous city stands between them and the Promised Land: The City of Jericho. In this episode, we relive the marching processions and victory sounds which miraculously flatten Jericho’s walls. Then, we explore some Israel’s most incredible subsequent battles, arriving at Canaanite Hazor: the most powerful city in the Promised Land. But did an inferior, nomadic, people really conquer a land of ‘giants’ and fortified cities as the Bible describes? And why was this Land so vital that God would assure Israel’s victory over it? Join Jeff Futers, on location in Israel as he explores what the Bible and archaeology have to say about Israel’s victory over the Promised Land, and rediscover Israel’s faithful God as He encourages all of that follow Him, no matter the battle we face: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)